Certified Soft Wash Specialists

Certified Soft Wash Specialists
Moss Covered roof.

March 19, 2012

Your house is being ROBBED

Yes, the tagline is true. Allowing mold buildup to accumulate on your siding and decking materials is literally costing you money in the long run. Regular safe low pressure power washing of these areas is recommended in order to take advantage of the full length of the long life of vinyl siding, trim and todays composite decking materials. Of course the real immediate benefit is the fact that your house will look like new. It’s like the “I just left the car wash feeling” except it’s your whole house. And did we mention that it’s as easy as ordering pizza. One call or email and you’ll get a free estimate within 24 hours. Thats it!

Follow our blog (http://roofcleaner.blogspot.com) for information and before and after pictures showing first hand what makes Roof Cleaner the choice of todays maintenance conscious home owner.

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