Washing the exterior of your home regularly can help keep mold and mildew to a minimum.
If left unattended, these pests can make themselves a comfortable home on your paint, siding, or masonry.
Once established, they can be very difficult if not impossible to remove completely. To maintain the
appearance and value of your home or business, periodic professional soft washing of it's exterior surfaces
is recommended.
Once established, they can be very difficult if not impossible to remove completely. To maintain the
appearance and value of your home or business, periodic professional soft washing of it's exterior surfaces
is recommended.
Great Lakes Roof & Exterior Cleaning specializes in exterior house washing, wood and deck restoration, concrete and brick cleaning, as well as making your roof look like new again.
Mold grows on plant and animal matter. It is essential to the environment because it breaks down dead material and recycles the nutrients. Mold spores act as seeds which are spread by way of air, water, and insects. Moisture, adequate light, and average temperatures are essential for fungus growth.
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