Certified Soft Wash Specialists

Certified Soft Wash Specialists
Moss Covered roof.

November 30, 2012

Clean Gutters

Cleaning Gutters for a better look

As leaves fall off the trees and onto yards and homes this time of year, it’s important to spend some time cleaning out the gutters around your roofline. When leaves and debris build up in gutters, rainwater can’t move properly away from your house and can penetrate under roof shingles. Additionally, when water sits in a gutter it becomes the perfect place for insects to breed and nest. Yuck!

Clean gutters make your home look bright and well-kept.

At Roof Cleaner we soft-wash your gutters exterior to improve their appearance and make them last longer. When gutters aren’t properly cleaned and maintained, a buildup can occur in the gutter, weighing them down and weakening the coating, decreasing their life. Dirty gutters can also result in water streaks down the front of the gutters and sometimes onto the house’s façade. Roof Cleaner’s trained technicians wash away that build-up and leave your gutters looking like new. Depending on the trees on your property and how often you clean out your gutters, cleaning gutters may be needed every year or two.

Here are tips on cleaning out your gutters effectively and safely:

§  Team up. Make sure you have at least two people helping with the project. One to clean the gutters and one to hold and steady the ladder.

§  Wear the appropriate items. Shoes with rubber soles with some good traction are important. As the gutters are cleaned out, built up moisture will come out too. As the project continues, the ladder may become wet. Rubber soles will keep you from slipping. Debris in the gutters can be ridden with bacteria as insects, animal droppings and mold, so wear gloves to protect yourself. Lastly, eyewear is a must, especially as you use a hose. Debris, leaves, etc. may come lose as you clean and you’ll want to make sure it doesn’t go in your eye.

§  Secure a bag or bucket to your ladder. Holding a filling bag or bucket in one hand and using the other to clean your gutters leaves you without a hand to steady yourself. Secure the bucket or bag to the ladder so you have one hand free.

§  Don’t use metal scoops. Whatever you use to clean the debris out of your gutters, don’t use a metal object. The metal of the scoop can damage the metal of the gutter itself.

§  Hose it down. After you’ve cleaned the large debris from the gutters, rinse it down with your garden hose. While it won’t remove all of the built up grime, it will wash away the smaller debris and show you if missed any clogged portions of the gutter.

If you have questions regarding cleaning or washing of gutters please contact your local Roof Cleaner office at 616-240-3465


November 26, 2012

Roof Cleaner - Exterior Washing Expert Improves Home and Property Values

Soft-Wash  washing a building, fence, roof, siding, sidewalks and walkways will improve curb appeal and increase property value

Hudsonville, MI

A local Hudsonville, MI exterior cleaning professional understands how difficult it can be for homeowners and business owners to maintain the exterior of their property. Walkways, driveways, patios, porches, siding and roof’s are difficult areas to keep clean. Unfortunately, they are also the same areas that visitors see first.

Dan & Tami Dykstra, owners of Roof Cleaner in Hudsonville satisfy this market niche by offering a wide array of soft-wash cleaning services. “Sort-Wash cleaning is the best and easiest way to maintain the exterior of a building,” said Dykstra.

According to local real estate professionals a good
exterior cleaning can add as much as 10% to the value of a home by providing a good first impression.

Roof Cleaner can handle all exterior cleaning needs to improve curb appeal while preserving investments. Annual washing service is a great way to maintain a home while prolonging the life of all exterior investments. Hiring a professional soft-wash expert is much more effective and safer than the homeowner using a hose, ladder and bucket.

Roof Cleaner takes pride in their ability to offer quality service with great results. Commercial grade soft-wash equipment removes many of the toughest stains. Customers enjoy outstanding service with a 24-48 hour response time.

Roof Cleaner will send a specialist to the home or business to evaluate their client’s needs and provide an estimate. Customers include residents in single family homes, property managers for apartment buildings and multi-unit dwellings, commercial properties, schools, playgrounds, garages and anyone who need professional washing service in West Michigan.

About Roof Cleaner Exterior Washing:
Roof Cleaner provides expert quality residential and commercial pressure washing and restoration services in the Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. They are a professional grade company trusted to deliver the highest quality
soft-washing and professional services at a fair price. Their technicians are experienced, professional and always happy to answer any questions clients may have along the way.

November 25, 2012

Thank you

We here at Roof Cleaner want to express our thanks to the hundreds and hundreds of homeowners who allowed us the chance to clean their roof's/siding this past year.


We have under gone some changes in the last month or two that will help us to better serve our client base and to expand the business in 2013 while still holding on to our strong customer service. Along with a name change, going from Great Lakes Roof & Exterior Cleaning to: ROOF CLEANER will be rolling out a whole new look for the company,  new logo and new colors.


We also have new management running the company that will take it to the next level and build ROOF CLEANER to the ONLY exterior cleaning company that both residential and commercial customers will ever need to call.


There will be even more exciting news in the later part of 2013 about some more services that will be offered in 2014.
